
한국어 교원의 발화 조절에 대한 음성학적 연구

윤은경1, 곽선우2,*
Eunkyung Yoon1, Sunwoo Kwak2,*
Author Information & Copylight
1Daegu Cyber University
2Hankuk University of Foreign StudiesHankuk University of Foreign Studies
*Corresponding Author : 한국외국어대학교, 국어국문학과, 대학원생, 서울 동대문구 이문로 107, E-mail:

ⓒ Copyright 2019 Language Education Institute, Seoul National University. This is an Open-Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License ( which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Received: Feb 28, 2019 ; Revised: Apr 08, 2019 ; Accepted: Apr 22, 2019

Published Online: Apr 30, 2019


A study of linguistic variations in the speech accommodations of Korean teachers was carried out in order to test their ability to adjust utterances during lectures (using two phases: introduction and presentation of a grammatical rule), counseling sessions, and interview situations. A total of ten groups were recruited for six months. A number of acoustic cues, such as F0 distribution, length of utterances, number of syllables, speaking rate, articulation rate, duration of pauses, and syllable duration in prosodic units, were acoustically analyzed. The results of this study indicate the following. (1) Teachers accommodated their speech more during interactive activities with students (lecture and counselling), as compared to during an interview with a native Korean speaker, in terms of F0, number of syllables, and articulation rate. (2) In the presentation of a grammatical rule phase, teachers used a higher-pitched voice and longer pauses than in the introduction phase for the same lesson. (3) Teachers’ conversations during the counselling sessions had shorter pauses than during lectures, although their articulation rates were similar. This study confirms that Korean language teachers adjust their speech by changing its acoustic attributes. The significance of this study is its understanding of the prosodic characteristics of teachers' speech accommodation in prosodic units

Keywords: speech accommodation; teacher talk; speaking rate; teacher education; prosody



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