Most Read Articles

Most read Articles are listed by the number of read for the previous three months.

The Morphosyntax of Jejuan –ko Clause Linkages
Lang. Res. 2019;55(2):315-354.
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The Effects of Phonetic Duration on Loanword Adaptation: Mandarin Falling Diphthong in Chinese Korean
Lang. Res. 2020;56(2):225-261.
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A Corpus-based Analysis of Collocations in Korean Middle and High School English Textbooks
Lang. Res. 2020;56(3):437-461.
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The Syntax and Interpretation of Korean Semantically Defective kes as an Instance of Deep NP Anaphora
Lang. Res. 2023;59(3):219-236.
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Second Language Acquisition of Pseudo-VP-Ellipsis and Gapping in Korean
Lang. Res. 2023;59(3):237-252.
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Analyzing Lexical Simplification in Interviews of Donald Trump and Joe Biden: Tracking the Trend of Simplification in Presidential Discourse Using Lexical Sophistication Indices
Lang. Res. 2023;59(3):193-217.
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Two Types of there-sentences and Feature Specification
Lang. Res. 2019;55(2):281-314.
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A Study on the Historical Present in Korean Narrative
서사 담화의 ‘역사적 현재’에 관한 연구
Lang. Res. 2018;54(3):441-467.
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A Study of the Plural Marker ‘-tul’ in Korean
우리말의 복수 표지 ‘-들’에 관한 소고
Lang. Res. 2021;57(3):225-243.
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A Twenty-Year History of the TEPS and Its Prehistory
TEPS 20년의 역사 및 그 전사
Lang. Res. 2019;55(S):1-16.
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Exploring the effects of self-esteem in FLE education
FLE 교육에서 자존감 효과 탐색
Lang. Res. 2020;56(3):407-435.
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A Case Study on English Test Item Development Training for Secondary School Teachers Using AI Tools: Focusing on ChatGPT
AI 도구를 활용한 중등교사 영어 출제 연수 사례 연구: ChatGPT를 중심으로
Lang. Res. 2023;59(1):21-42.
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Pre-Service Primary English Teachers’ AI Chatbots
초등영어 예비교사들이 개발한 인공지능 챗봇
Lang. Res. 2020;56(1):97-115.
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Acoustic Study of Speech Accommodation Produced by Korean Language Teachers
한국어 교원의 발화 조절에 대한 음성학적 연구
Lang. Res. 2019;55(1):75-97.
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Examining Cloze Tests as a Measure of Linguistic Complexity in L2 Writing
Lang. Res. 2019;55(3):627-649.
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Background and Foundational Research for the Revision of the TEPS
TEPS의 개정 배경과 기초연구
Lang. Res. 2019;55(S):17-36.
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The Learner Corpora of Spoken English: What Has Been Done and What Should Be Done?
Lang. Res. 2020;56(1):29-51.
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Speaking and Writing Connections in L2: The Roles of Multimodal Teaching and Learning
Lang. Res. 2020;56(2):263-286.
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Effects of types of input frequency distribution on second language construction learning
입력 빈도 분포 유형이 제2언어 구문 학습에 미치는 영향
Lang. Res. 2018;54(3):509-529.
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On the Syntax of Unusual Subjects: Exceptional Case Marking Constructions
Lang. Res. 2023;59(2):93-114.
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