프랑스어 기본어휘의 사용상황 온톨로지 구축
Received: Oct 31, 2019 ; Revised: Nov 05, 2019 ; Accepted: Dec 04, 2019
Published Online: Dec 31, 2019
This study aims to show the process of constructing, for a more effective use of the French basic vocabulary in education and evaluation, an ontology containing information on the grammar and the usage situations and its corresponding utility. The researchers show the background and the necessity of the study, and likewise explain the construction of the ontology through the three following steps: (1) review the adequacy of the words listed in A-level Référentiels, revise the list, and describe in detail the grammar of these words; (2) examine and classify situations in which the basic words are used, and make a database of the usage situations and their typical dialogue samples; and (3) implement the mapping of the two results, and build an ontology of the grammar and the usage situations-typical dialogue samples for the French basic vocabulary. Finally, the researchers show how the ontology can be used in education and evaluation.