
언어평가 도구로서의 제2외국어 SNULT 문제 유형 분석 - 독일어와 일본어 시험을 중심으로

박혜영1, 강미란2,
Hyeyoung Park1, Miran Kang2,
Author Information & Copyright
1Seoul National University
2Seoul National University
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* 이 논문을 읽고 귀중한 조언을 해 주신 세 분의 심사위원과 서울대학교 언어교육원 TEPS센터 이용원 소장님께 깊은 감사 말씀드립니다. 또한, 연구의 초기 단계부터 조언과 도움을 주신 언어능력측정센터 이성헌 소장님, 고길수 선생님, 김엘레나 선생님, 문성주 선생님, 손남호 선생님, 송홍령 선생님, 코마츠 요시타카 선생님께도 감사드립니다. 아울러 논문의 모든 미흡한 부분은 필자의 몫임을 밝혀 둡니다.

ⓒ Copyright 2018 Language Education Institute, Seoul National University. This is an Open-Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License ( which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Published Online: Nov 01, 2019


The purpose of this article is to analyze major attributes and features of different question (or item) types used in Seoul National University Language Tests (SNULT) as a way to verify the validity of these tests. A total of 50 reading and listening items each were selected from SNULT German vol. 2. (in press) and SNULT Japanese vol. 2. (2019) and then analyzed by using Bachman’s (1990) Test Method Facets framework. Results of analysis have shown that the reading and listening sections of both tests are so constructed that each question has not only various degrees of difficulties, but also focuses on measuring test taker’s ability to grasp main ideas, to understand details, and to make plausible inferences. These findings suggest that both SNULT German and Japanese tests are equipped with appropriate formats and contents for testing test-takers’ foreign language competence and therefore seen to be valid foreign language testing tools.

Keywords: question types; attributes; degree of difficulty; listening comprehension; reading comprehension



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