
내핵관계절의 형성 제약 및 부사절로의 의미 확장 연구

이지은 1 ,
Ji-Eun Lee 1 ,
Author Information & Copyright
1경희대학교 후마니타스칼리지
1Humanitas College, Kyung Hee University
Corresponding Author: 이지은 강사 교양대학 경희대학교 후마니타스칼리지 02447 서울시 동대문구 경희대로 26 경희대학교 청운관 2층 글쓰기센터 E-mail:

ⓒ Copyright 2021 Language Education Institute, Seoul National University. This is an Open-Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License ( which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Received: Oct 30, 2020 ; Revised: Feb 24, 2021 ; Accepted: Mar 09, 2021

Published Online: Apr 30, 2021


This study aims to examine subordinate clauses marked by ‘-un kesi’ and ‘-un kesul’, which function as internally-headed RCs and adverbial clauses. It begins by surveying the restriction in the formation of internally-headed RCs and describes how this restriction connects to the semantic extension of internally- headed RCs to adverbial clauses. A search is then conducted for examples of subordinate clauses marked by ‘-un kesi’ and ‘-un kesul’ when they function as adverbial clauses. The result shows formal and semantic similarities to the internally-headed RCs. This study contributes to further understanding of the grammaticalization of ‘-un kesi’ and ‘-un kesul’ by mapping the semantic function of the subordinate clauses marked by ‘-un kesi’ and ‘-un kesul’.

Keywords: -un kes; internally headed RCs; adverbial clauses; first-hand knowledge; semantic extension



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