
개정 TEPS 구인타당도 검증

임의진1,, 전희성1, 윤정민1, 민선홍1
Euijin Lim1,, Heesung Jun1, Jungmin Yun1, Sunhong Min1
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1Seoul National University
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ⓒ Copyright 2018 Language Education Institute, Seoul National University. This is an Open-Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License ( which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Published Online: Nov 01, 2019


The purpose of this study is to obtain evidence of construct validity for the revised TEPS. Multiple data sets were obtained from the operational TEPS administrations before and after the revision and four pilot tests during the revision process and used for correlation analysis and confirmatory factor analysis. Inter-section correlation coefficients and standardized factor loadings were compared across forms, and the model-data fit indices were examined for each form. Based on the results, it was found that the original TEPS and the revised TEPS measured very similar or virtually the same construct. Even though the revision introduced major changes to the TEPS, the underlying factor structure was the same for all the forms examined in this study.

Keywords: TEPS; test revision; construct validity; confirmatory factor analysis



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